Sunday, January 24, 2010

Madame Butterfly's favourite pasta

Farfalle is a type of pasta. Commonly known as "bow-tie pasta", the name is derived from Italian word farfalla (butterfly). Farfalle dates back to the 1500s. It originated in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna in Northern Italy. Farfalle comes in several sizes, but has a distinctive boetiw shape. Usually, the farfalla is formed from a rectangle or oval of pasta with two sides trimmed in a ruffled edge, and the center pinched together to make the unusual shape. They are sometimes ridged, known as farfalle rigate. Different varieties are available; plain, tomato and spinach. These are often sold together in a mix, often with chicken. Though usable with most sauces, farfalle are best suited to cream and tomato dishes.

A packet of portobello mushroom, a can of cream, two servings of farfalle and some mixed herbs make the most perfect comfort food to kick start your morning.

Farfalle in Portobello Mushroom Sauce

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